FitC Regularly-Scheduled Groups & Activities

Morning Joe at the Market
Men's Group

In addition to FitC’s hosted events, you can choose from over thirty-five regularly scheduled groups that focus on a range of interests. These mostly meet weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. If there is a particular interest you think others may share, we encourage you to organize a new group. Members of our Program Committee will help you get started. There are also regularly scheduled activities that are open to all FitC members without registration.

Whether you're interested in regularly scheduled get-togethers or dropping in to an activity at your convenience, FitC has many offerings to appeal to your liking. Please scroll through the list below. To participate in any of these groups or activities, you must be a FitC member. 

Active FitC Groups (G) and Recurring Activities (A)

Book Discussion Group

Book discussion (G)
Groups meet monthly.  Some groups read only fiction, some only non-fiction, and some read both.  Specifics books and discussion formats are chosen by the group or its leader.

Play reading group

Play reading (G)
Members of these groups meet monthly to read plays of their choice.

Writing Group

Writing (G)
Groups meet twice a month in a supportive environment to review writing assignments chosen by the group or its leader.

FitC Rittenhouse Jaunters

Rittenhouse Square walkers (A)
Walkers circle the square at their own pace while chatting with others.  Group walks weekly, followed by optional coffee at a local cafe.

Rittenhouse Square Billy the Goat

Rittenhouse jaunts (A)
Members take weekly group walks, starting in Rittenhouse Square and going for one to two miles on routes of interest or to see interesting sites along the way.

Film strip

Film and Media discussion (G)
These groups choose their own formats.  Some see films together and discuss them over a meal.  Other groups see designated films on their own, then come together for lively discussions about them. Some groups include programs that are streamed.

Men's Group

Men's group (G)
With 25 active members and an email list of over 60, FitC men meet monthly for presentations and discussion to informally address civic or other topics.  They are mostly retired professionals over age 65 and living in Center City.  Their purpose is to network to build friendships.  There are also sub-groups to discuss books, films, memoirs, breakfast discussions, wine and more.  


Yoga (G)
There are several different weekly yoga groups led by trained yoga instructors, including floor yoga and chair yoga.

T'ai Chi

T'ai chi (G)
There are several different t'ai chi groups for a range of experience levels, at various locations and with two different instructors.

Balance image

Other Fitness (G)
Other fitness group series are formed upon request and operate as long as interest continues.  These have included Chair Yoga; Balance and Gait; Breathing and Stretching.

Wisdom and Maturity

Wisdom and maturity (G)
Group meets monthly to discuss the secrets to gaining wisdom in the setting of Conscious Living/Aging.  Led by two FitC members.

Dinner Group

Dinner groups (G)
Small dinner groups meet monthly, either in a home or restaurant, to share meals and informal discussion.  Locations and format are decided by the group.

Morning Joe at the Market

Morning Joe (A)
FitC members meet weekly in the morning at Garces Trading in the Kimmel Center or other locations for coffee, pastries and conversation.

Volunteering at MANNA

Volunteering (A)
FitC members volunteer together at MANNA and other places in the city.

Garden Volunteer Joan Wells

Volunteer Gardening (G)
Gardeners work in Schuylkill River Park at 25th and Spruce Street and the several "secret gardens" of Independence National Historical Park (INHP).

For FitC Members Only:

Visit the FitC member portal for these functions:

  • Event Calendar and Registration
  • Your Membership Information
  • Member Directory

You will be asked to sign in using your email address and FitC password.

Water Works
FitC Membership

The membership fee is $75 per year per person.

Join FitC | Renew Membership

Pay with credit card or check.  As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, FitC membership payments and donations are tax deductible.

Not ready to join? Sign up to hear about FitC events. We will never share the information you give us with unaffiliated groups without your explicit permission.